Thursday, March 22, 2012

Delight in the Lord


Over the past several weeks, I have been intentional about being thankful and joyful. At first, I found myself thinking more positive. The goal was to be more grateful and joyful in my life. It was about being intentional about the small moments in life. I have learned, it takes lots work and I got side tracked.

I've been living for myself for far too long. Feeling a leading from the Holy Spirit, I picked up a favorite book of mine 'Practicing the Presence of God' letters written by Brother Lawrence compiled into a great little book. It took me a couple of days to pick it up and start rereading. God hit me on the head! I made a commitment to God that I would be intentionally grateful and joyful. I promised to keep a written record of my joy. However, as life continued on, I failed. I got so caught up in myself, i slipped into old habits of relying on myself and not God.

So, I picked the book up again and started reading. Brother Lawrence is a perfect example of how to find joy in everyday life. During his daily duties as a monk, he talked to God all day long. No matter what he did he did it with a pure, God loving heart. He practiced the presence of God in everything. Again, he did it with joy and thanksgiving for God's glory.

As for me, Washing dishes several times a day, mopping floors, picking up toys, being a personal chauffeur, homeschooling and doing so much more, I got lost in the process. I just felt being a mom wasn't enough. I needed to be out in the world making a difference. I constantly compare myself to those women around me who work, travel, have careers, etc. Just thinking about where I am in life and how I value this season has been lost in the monotony of being a wife and mother.

God has used this great little book to remind me of something very important. I am His daughter. I matter to Him. Everything I do matters to Him. He has given me a wonderful, important mission in life. That mission is to raise my three beautiful girls. To teach them, the things of God. To train them up to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

God calls us all to serve. He's called me to serve at home for this season of my life. My mission field isn't in Haiti, Africa, or in the inner city streets of Chicago. It's at home to lead by example on how to be a godly wife and mother.

God delights in me because He loves me. I will delight in Him right where I am. I will replace monotony with joy because this is important. I will place God as the priority in my home and I will pass on the things of God to my girls as He has commanded in Deuteronomy 6.

My prayers are not in vain. He hears me and loves me. I will delight in the Lord as I find joy in my journey. Most importantly, I'll do it for His glory not mine.

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